Welcome Arizona Rugby Alumni!

At Arizona Rugby, we value our alumni as the forefathers that have laid the groundwork for future generations to come. The tries, the tackles, the brotherhood, and the values are still taught to this day as we help prepare young men for the real world.
If you're an Arizona Rugby alumus, here's where you come in. We need your help as a member of this Wildcat Rugby Family to help ensure future generations will have an experience as great, if not greater, than the one you had in the good ol' days in Tucson. The Arizona Rugby Alumni Association (ARAA) is the recognized body created to help ensure that all members of the family are accounted for and recognized, while also helping connect alumni in wonderful ways. Whether its networking, a social event, or maybe even an alumni game to settle bragging rights, the ARAA is here to help keep the Wildcat Rugby Family alive and to help support the program as they aim to become the best in the nation.
Thank you in advance for all who have supported us and laid the foundation for our current Wildcats and as always...